Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blood test

I called my doctor's office and they want a blood test to confirm so I went in this morning to get the test, I should get the results sometime tomorrow. The only thing bothering me right now is that I am terrified that this is the hcg trigger messing with me. At 9dpt I had a definite negative, no line whatsoever showed up and I even went back and found the test again to make sure, but it still has me worried. I won't be happy till I get two blood tests and I can see the numbers doubling like they are supposed to! I also had a scare this morning because I tested again and I thought it was a BFN but then saw it was just REEEAAALLY faint. So faint I was worried. So I tested again this afternoon (yes, I know, I'm addicted) and it was much darker. I'm putting up a comparison so you can see. It was the best picture I could get, but the one on the bottom looks darker in person.

1 comment:

  1. It looks positive and hope the blood test confirms it! Good luck!
