Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trip to the park and a grouchy night

It was a wonderful day so I decided to pack up Lily and take her to a new park that is near my parent's house. We picked up Nana on our way and headed to the park to spend the afternoon. She wasn't much of a fan. They didn't have baby swings (which was surprising and annoying) so she could only play on the little kid playground area. She didn't like the playground because the grating had holes in it which meaned she could see the ground below her, which freaked her out a little I guess because she didn't want to move around. We put her on the slide once and she was not a fan. But regardless, we still had a good time. And got some good pictures, which always makes my day. I'm obsessed with pictures. The day was good till we got home later and I wanted to put her in bed. I could not get her to go to sleep to save my life. I tried every trick in the book. She had every medicine she could possibly need, her puppy was playing its lullabies, she had a fresh diaper, she had a bottle before I put her down, EVERYTHING but nothing was working. I wasn't able to get her down till 11:30 when I first started trying to put her in bed at 8:00. But once she was down we were good, thank goodness. She slept till 8am, which we were thankful for. After what it took for her to fall asleep I was terrified of the whole night being like that. It all worked out though.

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